Cash Advance

A small cash advance could be a convenient solution if your next payday is just a few days or weeks away, and all you require is a few dollars for something that absolutely cannot wait.

Facing a tight financial situation can be very stressful, especially when you don’t have anyone to turn to for help.

If you’re keeping consistent with your regular budget, and an unexpected bill or expense arrives, you might want to consider applying for a loan from Payday Advance.

Our vision is that most hard-working New Zealanders should be able to get help from an alternative reliable source of cash. That is why we are offering a convenient, confidential and easy cash advance service designed with you – our customer – in mind.

Is it easy to qualify?

As long as you meet the criteria below, you will likely qualify for a cash advance from us:

  • You need to be at least 18 years old and a NZ citizen or resident currently living in New Zealand;
  • You need to have been permanently employed with the same employer for at least 3 months;
  • You need to be earning at least $500 a week (after tax);
  • Your pay needs to be credited on a regular basis into your own NZ bank account that has been open for at least 3 months;
  • You are not currently Bankrupt, under a No Asset Procedure or Summary Instalment Order;
  • You have access to the Internet and a mobile phone.
    Please note this is a guide only – in certain circumstances we may not be able to offer you a loan.

Why choose our service?

  • Easy online application form;
  • Quick loan outcomes once all documentation is received;
  • Flexible repayments to suit your financial needs;
  • Competitive interest rates (we do not offer high cost loans);
  • Friendly and efficient customer service team with years of experience – available on online chat, email, fax and phone;
  • We could lend between $500-$5,000 to new customers, so you can borrow only what you need to bridge the gap until next payday;
  • We are also fully committed to the responsible lending practices.