A same day loan can be a fast and convenient way to save yourself the trouble of worrying about how you are going to cover an unexpected expense.
Accidents, large bills or rental bonds can end up costing a lot more money than anticipated and cause lots of stress – especially if your next pay day is too far away and there is no one to borrow money from.
Do I qualify?
As long as you meet the following criteria and meet all our responsible lending checks, you have a good chance of getting a same day loan:
- You need to be at least 18 years old and a NZ citizen or resident currently living in New Zealand;
- You need to have been permanently employed with the same employer for at least 3 months;
- You need to be earning at least $500 a week (after tax);
- Your pay needs to be credited on a regular basis into your own NZ bank account that has been open for at least 3 months;
- You are not currently Bankrupt, under a No Asset Procedure or Summary Instalment Order;
Please note this is a guide only – in certain circumstances we may not be able to offer you a loan.
Why choose us?
- Past Bad credit may be OK provided all responsible lending criteria has been met;
- You get to choose the number of repayments to suit your current needs (limits apply and depend on pay cycle frequency);
- We offer super-quick loan decisions: usually within 60 minutes once all supporting documentation is received;
- If approved, the money will be deposited into your account overnight.
- Our friendly and fast NZ-based customer service team are available on online chat, email, fax and phone from 8.30am until 5.00pm Monday to Friday;
- We are also fully committed to the responsible lending principles.